Who needs Fly Higher Coaching

  • Leaders or leadership teams who are facing change or new challenges that may
    require new skills.


  • Leaders and emerging leaders who need to develop new skills to be effective


  • Talented people in organisations- ‘High flyers’- who require  fast track development to
    motivate & enable them to achieve their potential


  • Leaders who are isolated and would benefit from a confidential, impartial, supportive
    yet challenging sounding board to deliver what’s required for their organisation. 


  • Leaders or teams who are having difficulty handling conflict or their approach is inviting conflict from others.


  • Teams who need support to overcome barriers to high performance or to change direction


  • Organisations looking for staff development in the area of interpersonal skills and managing change and who value a coaching approach to workshops


  • A young person who would benefit from a mentor who can listen and support with no other agenda